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The Picture Book Perfect Evening is the celebration of our young authors’ hard work. On stage, amongst their family and friends, each young author gets their moment in the spotlight. We know how special it was for everyone who has attended, and we want to share the magic with those of you who couldn’t attend through the pictures and videos below. Please take a look at the moments captured, the accomplishments achieved, and the empowerment felt by each child who was able to share their story. If you’re inspired to help us continue to create these life changing opportunities for children, please 
contact us for sponsorship opportunities or donate here.


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A Picture Book Perfect Evening February '22

A Picture Book Perfect Evening  Decmber '22

A Picture Book Perfect Evening  March '23

(Unveiling starts at 36 mins)

Wrap up video coming soon!

A Picture Book Perfect Evening  Nov '23

(Unveiling starts at 53 mins)

A Picture Book Perfect Evening  May 18th

Pictures coming soon!
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